Navigating Vendor Relationships in Payments: A Journey of Compliance and Collaboration Have you or your company ever faced a vendor unwilling to work with you? I’ve often felt frustrated throughout my career when a vendor couldn’t collaborate with me or my team. There are many reasons for this: being a startup, lacking compliance, or needing some form of approval. It’s …

Field Guide to Making a Sales Script Your Own

Navigating the Space Between Words and Intent to Master Authentic Sales Conversations “Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac? Same thing with sales guys: if they push too hard, they’re jerks; if they don’t push at all, they’re useless.” – George Carlin Sales is all about finding that perfect …

There’s No “I” in ISV

There’s No “I” in ISV, But There’s an “OS” in POS: A Couple’s Therapy Story Alright, so maybe I’m aging myself here, but remember the movie “Kramer vs. Kramer”? It’s about a couple navigating the trials and tribulations of their relationship. Well, in the wild world of digital payments, ISVs (Integrated Software Vendors) and POS (Point of Sale) systems are …

What’s That Even Mean? Exploring ISV Definitions

What’s That Even Mean? Exploring ISV Definitions and Why You’re Not Alone in Wondering   OK, so I’m on an ISV kick.   Maybe you’ve heard the term ISV tossed around in tech meetings or seen it pop up in industry articles. Perhaps you even did a quick Google search, only to be hit with a slew of definitions that …

Flash Report: ISV Success Stories – What’s the Story?

Flash Report: ISV Success Stories – What’s the Story? 1. Reducing Fraud and Chargebacks – Once upon a time, a security-focused payment partner struggled with rampant fraud and chargebacks. – Every day, their clients faced financial losses and dwindling trust. – One day, they partnered with Merchant Service Depot, implementing advanced security features. – Because of that, fraudulent transactions dropped …

Why Be an Agent? Lessons from the Street to the Payment Gateway

Why Be an Agent? Lessons from the Street to the Payment Gateway NEW ABCs: they said: Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity. Why Be an Agent? Lessons from the Street to the Payment Gateway   When I first started selling lighters on the street, (yes i did) every day was a challenge in perseverance and self-belief. Facing a sea of passersby, it …