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Zen Cart




You can easily connect your MSD account to your Shopify CRM account. For Shopify integrations, please contact us directly, as the integration process is handled internally to ensure a seamless and accurate setup.



Version 1.0.0



This plugin allows you to use MSD payment portal for your PrestaShop.



1. Navigate to the Modules menu and click on the Module Manager button. You would be redirected to the Modules management screen.

2. Click on the Upload a Module button to proceed with the installation. A new pop-up would appear. You may either drop the module’s .zip file in that pop-up or use the select file link to browse for that module.

Manage Plugin

A new pop-up will appear with the message Module Installed! That’s it—your module is now successfully installed. You can click the Configure button to customize the options for the newly installed module.

In the configure screen you can set the following values:

  • Enable: If Yes then this payment method appears on your cart page as a payment option.
  • Test Mode: If Yes account turned into debug mode
  • Merchant Username: This is the username provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • API Key: This is the API Key provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • Credit Card Type: Choose card type from the dropdown
  • Use CVV: Choose Yes to use CVV



Version 1.0.0

Payment Methods:

Credit Card, Apple Pay

Compatible up to:


Opencart Version:

3.0 or higher

This plugin allows you to use the MSD payment portal for your Opencart, as an additional payment option.



There are two ways to install the plugin.

1. Unzip the opencart plug-in folder there will be 3 folders admin, catalog, and the system then upload 3 folders inside the OpenCart project folder.

2. Login into the OpenCart admin module then go to the Extension → Installer option → select the plug-in zip and upload it then go to the Extensions option and select a payment option from the extension type we will find MSD and then install by clicking the install button.

Manage Plugin

After successful installation of the plugin, you have to enable and manage to set the MSD payment gateway from
Extensions → Extensions → Payment Methods → msd Payment Gateway → Click on Edit.

In the manage screen, you can set the following values

  • Merchant Username: This is the username provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • API Key: This is the API Key provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • Credit Card Types: Select your accepted card.
  • Test Mode: If we select yes then we get sandbox if not then production.
  • Status: We must set it to enable.



Version 1.0.0

Payment Methods:

Credit Card, Apple Pay

Compatible up to:


Requires WordPress Version:

5.0 or higher

Woocommerce plugin version:

3.6.3 or higher

This plugin allows you to use the MSD payment portal for your WooCommerce site, as an additional payment option.



There are two ways to install the plugin.

1. Place the unzipped plugin into the wp-content/plugins folder inside your WordPress site.

2. From WordPress admin go to Plugins – Add New. Click on Upload Plugin, and browse the zip version of the MSD plugin folder.

Manage Plugin

After successfully installing the plugin, activate the msd plugin by navigating to Plugins → Installed Plugins.
Once the msd plugin is activated, you can manage the plugin settings from Woo-commerce → Settings → Payments → msd.

In the manage screen, you can set the following values:

  • Title: Name what you wish to appear on your cart page as a payment option.
  • Description: If you wish to specify any notes for the plugins for your customers.
  • Username: This is the username provided by msd when you signed up for an account.
  • API Key: This is the API Key provided by msd when you signed up for an account.

Keep the Enable test mode checked, if you want to run the Plugin in a test environment.



Version 1.0.0

Magento Version:

1.5 or higher

Compatible up to:


This plugin allows you to use the MSD payment portal for your Magento, as an additional payment option.



Create a folder name code under the Magento root directory/app. Place the unzipped module folder under this newly created code folder. Now run the following command from the Magento root directory :

  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy if store is in production mode
  • php bin/magento cache:clean

Manage Plugin

After successful installation of the plugin, you have to enable and manage to set the MSD payment gateway from Stores → Configuration → Sales → Payment Methods → msd Payment Gateway

In the manage screen, you can set the following values:

  • Enable: If Yes then this payment method appears on your cart page as a payment option.
  • Title: Name what you wish to appear on your cart page as a payment option.
  • Merchant Username: This is the username provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • API Key: This is the API Key provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.



Version 1.0.0

X-Cart Version: or higher

Compatible up to:


This plugin allows you to use the MSD payment portal for your X-Cart, as an additional payment option.



1. Open the X-Cart admin panel and log in with the correct credential.

2. Please Click on Apps and then click on My Apps from the left side menu.

3. Then click on Upload Addon from the top right corner and then upload the MSD module zip.

4. After successful upload click on Store Setup and then Payment Method from the left side menu.

5. Put credentials and setup with your settings.

Manage Plugin

In the manage screen, you can set the following values:

  • Merchant Username: This is the username provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • API Key: This is the API Key provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • Credit Card Types: Select your accepted card.
  • Test Mode: If true TCB Test Pay is enabled. If false TCB test Pay is disabled.
  • Use CVV: If true CVV should enable. If false MSD CVV disable.



Version 1.0.0

Compatible up to:


osCommerce Version:

1.5 or higher

This plugin allows you to use the MSD payment portal for your osCommerce, as an additional payment option.



1. Copy all new files with your catalog. It won’t rewrite any of your files. Just copy & paste on top.
2. In the admin side of your website go to Modules – Payment and install the new MSD payment. Edit the payment put in credentials and set up your settings.
3. Modify the following files as per the following instructions.
Installation Instructions:
Find around line 139 in catalog/checkout_process.php file.
First step:

$customer_notification = (SEND_EMAILS == 'true') ? '1' : '0';
Add Bellow Code above this "$customer_notification = (SEND_EMAILS == 'true') ? '1' : '0';" line:
$order_comment = $order->info['comments'];
if ($msd_transaction_id) {
    $order_comment .= "
Transaction Id: $msd_transaction_id";

Find around line 139 in catalog/checkout_process.php file.

Second step:

'comments' => $order->info['comments']
Replace With
'comments' => $order_comment

Find around line 36 in admin/modules.php.

Third step:

while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS['configuration'])) {
Add The code bellow the line:
if (is_array($value)) $value = implode(',', $value);

add the following code at end of the admin/includes/functions/general.php file.

Fourth step:

function tep_cfg_pull_down_msd_cctypes($cctypes, $key = '') {
                    $name = 'configuration[' . $key . '][]';

$cctypes_array = array(
    'id' => 'AE',
    ), array(
    'id' => 'VI',
    'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_msd_TEXT_VISA
    ),  array(
    'id' => 'MC',
    ), array(
    'id' => 'DI',
    ), array(
    'id' => 'JCB',
    'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_msd_TEXT_JCB
    ), array(
    'id' => 'OT',

return tep_draw_multi_select_menu($name, $cctypes_array, $cctypes);

add the following code at end of the admin/includes/functions/general.php file.

Fifth step:

function tep_draw_multi_select_menu($name, $values, $default = array(), $parameters = '', $required = false) {

$field = <select multiple name="' . tep_output_string($name) . '"';

if (tep_not_null($parameters)) $field .= ' ' . $parameters;

$field .= >
if (empty($default) && (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$name]) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$name]))) {
    if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$name])) {
    $default = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$name];
    } elseif (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$name])) {
    $default = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name];
if (!is_array($default)) $default = explode(',', $default);

for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($values); $i<$n; $i++) {
    $field .= <option value="' . tep_output_string($values[$i]['id']) . '"';
    if (in_array($values[$i]['id'], $default)) {
        $field .= ' selected="selected"';
    $field .= > . tep_output_string($values[$i]['text'], array('"' => '"', ''' => ''', '<' => '<', '>' => '>')) . <option>;
$field .= <select>;
if ($required == true) $field .= TEXT_FIELD_REQUIRED;

return $field;

Manage Plugin

In the manage screen, you can set the following values:

  • Username: This is the username provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • API Key: This is the API Key provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • Credit Card Types: Select your accepted card.
  • Test Mode: If true TCB Test Pay is enabled. If false TCB test Pay is disabled.

Zen Cart


Version 1.0.0

Compatible up to:


Zen Cart Version:

1.5 or higher

This plugin allows you to use the MSD payment portal for your Zen Cart, as an additional payment option.



1. Copy all new files within your catalog. It won’t rewrite any of your files. Just copy & paste on top.
2. Modify the following files as per the following instructions.
Installation Instructions:
Find admin/includes/functions/html_output.php file. Add below code at the end.
First step:

function zen_cfg_pull_down_msd_cctypes($cctypes, $key = '') {
    $name = 'configuration[' . $key . '][]';

    $cctypes_array = array(
        'id' => 'AE',
    ), array(
        'id' => 'VI',
        'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_msd_TEXT_VISA
    ),  array(
        'id' => 'MC',
    ), array(
        'id' => 'DI',
        'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_msd_TEXT_DISCOVER
    ), array(
        'id' => 'JCB',
        'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_msd_TEXT_JCB
    ), array(
        'id' => 'OT',
        'text' => MODULE_PAYMENT_msd_TEXT_OTHER

    return zen_draw_multi_select_menu($name, $cctypes_array, $cctypes);

Find admin/includes/functions/html_output.php file. Add below code at the end.

Second step:

function zen_draw_multi_select_menu($name, $values, $default = array(), $parameters = '', $required = false) {
    $field = '<select multiple rel="dropdown" name="'.zen_output_string($name).'"';

    if (zen_not_null($parameters)) {
    $field .= ' ' . $parameters;

    $field .= '>' . "

    if (empty($default) && isset($GLOBALS[$name])) {
    $default = $GLOBALS[$name];

    if (!is_array($default)) $default = explode(',', $default);
    foreach($default as $dval) {
    $default[] = trim($dval);

    foreach ($values as $value) {
    $field .= '<option value="' . zen_output_string($value['id']) . '"';
    if (in_array($value['id'], $default)) {
        $field .= ' selected="selected"';

    $field .= '>' . zen_output_string($value['text'], array('"' => '"', ''' => ''', '<' => '<', '>' => '>')) . 'option>' . "
    $field .= 'select>' . "

    if ($required == true) {
    $field .= TEXT_FIELD_REQUIRED;

    return $field;

3. In the admin side of your website go to Modules – Payment and install the new MSD payment. Edit the payment put in credentials and set up your settings.


Manage Plugin

In the manage screen, you can set the following values:

  • Username: This is the username provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • API Key: This is the API Key provided by MSD when you signed up for an account.
  • Credit Card Types: Select your accepted card.
  • Test Mode: If true TCB Test Pay is enabled. If false TCB test Pay is disabled.

Konnektive CRM

You can easily connect your MSD account to your Konnektive CRM account. However, to ensure this process is completed correctly, Konnektive strongly recommends all clients to reach out to their assigned account manager, before activating and testing the gateway.

For detailed instructions and additional support, please refer to the dedicated Konnektive help page.


Add a Gateway Category from the Konnektive platform

To prevent cross-corping, categorize your gateways by the corp they were acquired by.

1. Navigate to Gateways → Gateway List and click the green + Category button.
2. In the pop-up box, enter the new category name and click Create Category.
3. Once categories are created, use the Category dropdown at the top of the Gateway List to filter for a specific category.

Create a New Gateway from the Konnektive platform

1. Navigate to Gateways → Gateway List and click the smaller green + button.
2. Enter Gateway Information in the General Details Section:
  • Title: A name or identifier for the gateway.
  • Category: Select the appropriate category for the gateway.
  • Gateway: Choose MSD as the gateway.

Additional inputs may vary depending on the gateway. At least one field will relate to the credentials provided by your merchant provider. For specific gateway requirements, refer to the Gateways section in Konnektive.

3. (Optional) Add Customer Service Information:
  • Phone #: Customer service number for gateway-related inquiries.
  • Chargeback #: Contact number for chargebacks.
  • Email: Customer service email address.
  • URL: Support web page for the gateway.
4. (Recommended) Enter Limits for the Gateway:
  • Monthly Cap: Total processing volume allowed per month.
    • Default: Gross billings only (ignores refunds).
    • Optional: Include refunds for net billings (enable by checking Include Refunds).
  • Discount Rate: Percentage of volume taken by the bank for every sale.
  • Reserve Rate: Percentage of billings kept by the bank in a rolling reserve.
  • Transaction Fee: Flat fee charged per transaction.
  • Chargeback Fee: Flat fee for each chargeback.
  • RDR Fee: Flat fee for RDR refunds (see RDR for details).
5. Select Additional Options:
  • Enabled: Allow or block sales on this gateway.
  • Block Prepaid Cards: Prevent prepaid cards from processing (if checked).
  • Block Debit Cards: Prevent debit cards from processing (if checked).
  • Direct Cascade Profile: (Optional) Cascade profile to retry soft-declined transactions (see Cascade Profiles for more details).
6. Choose Accepted Payments:
  • eCheck: Check if eChecks are supported.
  • Mastercard, Visa, AmEx, Discover: Check supported card types.
7. Enter Gateway Details:
  • Descriptor: Provided by the merchant provider.
  • MID #: Merchant ID number.
  • Processor: Payment processor.
  • Merchant Category Code: Merchant category code.
  • Acquirer Bin: Acquirer bin number.
8. Review all information carefully before creating the gateway.
9. When finished, click the green Create Gateway button to save the configuration.

Need Additional Help?

The instructions above were taken from the dedicated Konnektive help page. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance:

  • Contact your Konnektive assigned account manager (RECOMMENDED).
  • Use the live chat feature in the Konnektive portal.
  • Submit a ticket via the Konnektive support system.
  • Check the Konnektive help page for more detailed guidance.


You can easily connect your MSD account to your Sticky CRM account. For Sticky integrations, please contact us directly, as the integration process is handled internally to ensure a seamless and accurate setup.